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Dr. Brown's Healing Water: Daily Instructions & Best Practices

Pregnant woman drinking Dr. Brown's healing Water

Using Dr. Brown's healing Water everyday is simple and can easily be implemented into your daily health and wellness routine. Each bottle of Dr. Brown's Healing Water comes complete with simple instructions in each package but I suggest bookmarking this page for easy to reach instructions and tips and best practices to get more out of your bottle of Dr. Brow's Healing Water.


Senior man drinking Dr. Brown's Healing water

Dr. Brown's Healing Water: Instructions

Woman Drinking Dr. Brown's Healing Water

Dr. Brown's Healing Water Q & A

coming soon...

1. Add 2 tsp. of Dr. Brown's Healing Water to a glass of filtered/ bottled or other high quality water 1st thing every morning.


2. *Add 2 tsp. of Dr. Brown's Healing Water to a glass of filtered/ bottled or other high quality water every evening.


* If you are older or pregnant you may find it more comfortable to take Dr. Brown's Healing Water without adding additional water, during the evening hours.


3.The rest of the day you can eat and drink as you usually do.


Dr. Brown's Healing Water: Best Practices

1.) Always take Dr. Brown's Healing Water as directed for maximum results.


2.) If you have purchased more than one Dr. Brown's Healing Water Formula it is best to take 1 formula in the morning as directed and 1 formula in the evening before bed, espcially if you have purchased a bottle of Dr. Brown's Sleep Water.


3.) When you purchase a bottle of Dr. Brown's Sleep Water it should always be taken 2-3 tsp. in 4-6 oz. of water or 2-3 tsp. directly in the mouth, before bed.


4.) Your bottle of Dr. Brown's Healing Water does not need to be refrigerated but can be if you choose to do so.


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