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There is a Lakota saying, Mitakuye Oyasin, “All are my relations”- the tree, water, sky, earth, animals, brothers, sisters and those that have taken their spirit walk. There is a sacred loop, a medicine wheel, a mandala of life that we are all a part of. All is connected. All is life and all has the essence of  this eternal Love. All are children of the Great Mother and Father – in spirit, energy and physical form.

What is An Ancestor: An ancestor is one who took a physical body and experienced the love, miracles, sorrows, joys and pains of being in human form. They are our parents, aunts, uncles, grandparents, great grandparents and so on. They are anyone who has taken their spirit walk and anyone who is in our soul tribe.

How The Ancestors Can Assist Us. The ancestors are ones who intimately know what it is like to take part in this physical human experience and share your spiritual and/or physical DNA. They can have great empathy, compassion and sensitivity for what it is like to be in a personal earth journey because they hsve slready done it. This is why our ancestors can provide such helpful teachings, guidance, protection, access to information from beyond a well as healing and forgiveness from the spirit plane. Ancestors may also have their own continued healing work and evolution to do as a spirit and are still considered part of the sacred wheel of life.

How The Ancestor Device Works: The device works like an antenna, a telephone and a lens for us to be able to consiously connect with our ancestors who act as guides for us, to help us retrieve messages and advice about our lives so that we can avoid costly mistakes, surpass certain karmic entanglements that are not necessary for our development and actually move forward with confidence on our ability to know what is hest for us and our families because now have a team of trusted authorities working in our best interests at all times.

Why is this different than other Ancestoral tools, healings & meditations? It all comes down to vibrations. In the world there is always a hierarchy of information, this is woven into the human experience and is part of this earth school, and is vibrational/ light encoded. The higher we are able to go up the Vibrational food chain the better and cleaner our information becomes. How do we know this? Results over time, our most powerful teacher. The more you work with high vibrational tools and receive the positive results you seek the more you will know what information is useful and how to use it to achieve the positive results you seek. It is a simple system.

How To Use Your Ancestor Healing Device: Easy Peasy

1.) Start a daily practice of Clear, Connect and Protecting your energy daily
2.) Remove your pouch from its charging plate which is included with your pouch and wear it daily.
3.) Write down the signals, signs, hunches and information you begin to receive while wearing your pouch.
4.) Act upon the information you receive, as fast as possible.
5.) Drink lots of clean water and begin to act upon whatever nudges you receive to keep your body clear of physical blockages like pain, mucus and inflammation, and energetic blockages like consistent negative thoughts.
6.) When you cannot wear it you can keep it on its travel bag charging on the charging plate.
7.) Enjoy the ride because nothing will ever be the same. Have a blast with your new tool, I know we do!

Ancestor Activation Pouch

$60.00 Regular Price
$35.00Sale Price
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