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5G Dangers Coming to a Home Near You.

If you think Trump has taken us for a ride then hold onto your seatbelts because the wireless industry has embarked on a journey to roll out their new 5g service and their intentions are not to "Make America Great Again." The new network is supposed to be up to 100x faster than current data speeds, but it requires cellphone tower equipment to be closer to users than before. Just how close? 15 feet from your front door! Wireless companies in the U.S. say they'll have to install about 300,000 new antennas – roughly equal to the total number of cell towers built over the past 30 years. Right now, most of these towers are located in poor neighborhoods, on the rooftop of schools, where the people lack the education to be outraged about the health risk of the dangerous radiation being spewed into their community. However, the new 5g service will leave no stones unturned, to make super fast internet speed a reality it will require building hundreds of small 4ft cell towers in every town across America to actually make 5G available.

Cell Tower Apartment

Verizon said the new 5G service is extremely important to their company's growth, it allows users from any locations to interact with its new product line. However, all this can be done effectively using the current Wi-Fi technology via landline technology. But Verizons greed reaches far beyond 5G. Sources say Verizon wants to be on the receiving end of billions of dollars coming out of Washington D.C. earmarked for the anti-terrorist initiative to monitor Americans every move and 5g is the perfect technology to kill two birds with one stone.

So how does 5g work? 5G uses high-frequency waves that support faster speeds but don't travel as far as current wireless frequencies. So instead of relying on large cellphone towers spread far apart, they need "small cell" sites that are much closer together. Verizon said the goal is to use the existing infrastructure,whether it's streetlights or utility poles, then quietly build an all-encompassing network that is not overly obtrusive to their customers.

Yet people who understand the dangers of 5g are less than enthusstic about the safety of this "leap" in technology.

Building cell towers centralized in poor neighbors are not newsworthy, in fact, most people don't care as long as the cell towers are not in their neighborhoods, but building numerous, small 4ft towers in the front yard of every house in America for the sake of faster internet and national security is another story." When questioned about the health risks and the radiation emitted from the equipment, Verizon said there are some concerns but they believe the benefits outweigh the risk.

Verizon stated as to the arguments concerning cancer and the possibility of radiation emitted from cell phones and cell towers, according to the National Cancer Institute, "A limited number of studies have shown some evidence of statistical association of cell phone use and brain tumor risks… but most studies have found no association."

On the other hand, the National Toxicology Program researchers released preliminary data in May that showed small increases in tumors in male rats exposed to cell phone radiation. the rats were exposed to nine hours of radiation daily, in 10-minutes-on, 10-minutes-off intervals, over their whole bodies for two years. The researchers found increased incidences of rare brain and heart tumors starting at about the federally allowable level of cellphone radiation for brain exposure, with greater incidences at about two and four times those levels.

Kevin Mottus, outreach director for the California Brain Tumor Assn., said the public is being blindsided by the telecom industry in believing 5g poses no significant health risk. The fact of the matter those cell tower are microwave transmitters and the closer you are to them the more you at risk of frying your brain like an egg in a microwave oven.

"Desire Jaworkee said right now, you don't have to live next to a cell tower. If you're concerned about it and have the money, you can move away," she said. "But once they have these cell antennas everywhere, you won't be able to do that."

Meanwhile, the FCC is "developing guidance" for the industry on compliance with radiation safety standards of phones and other equipment that would use 5G airwaves, but many believe it is a little too late at this juncture and the horse has already left the Barn.

5G cell towers lamp post

Where were the FCC and CTIA when Verizon and the other telecom giants were installing cell towers in poor neighborhoods? Why didn't any these agencies address the outcry of teachers in schools in poor neighborhoods Across America concerning dozens of cell Towers on the rooftops of schools and the health risk to innocent children? 5G technology in its present form is dangerous and Verizon knows it. But why isn't anyone talking about the real elephant in the room, clearly 5G is the first wave of monitoring your every move on and off the internet.

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